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July 2024 | Bulletin num.168 | Subscribe
NIPO: 220-24-028-5

The State Security Forces and Corps continue their actions in the fight against counterfeiting

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has published the data of interventions of State Security Forces and Corps (FCSE) related to counterfeits carried out in the year 2023 and the result is that more than 3.6 million counterfeit products have been seized, which would have reached a market value of 149 million euros.

The textile sector is the most counterfeited product (62%), and in second place are toys (12.9%), followed by leather goods and accessories and footwear.

The SPTO appreciates the importance of knowing these data as they reflect the need to continue with the awareness campaigns against the damage to health to which the consumer is exposed, especially in the toy sector, which products are used by the most vulnerable population.

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