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April 2024 | Bulletin num.165 | Subscribe
NIPO: 220-24-028-5

The SPTO's monthly statistics are renewed: new, improved, easy and accessible design

The SPTO Statistics Service has developed a new monthly statistics report, which is now available on the website. This report, in Excel format, is more user-friendly and accessible, with the aim of making it more useful for everyone. It is part of the commitments undertaken by the Office within the Strategic Plan 1.2.2 project for Updating and modernizing the SPTO's training and information content, with the aim of improving users' understanding of industrial property statistical data.

With the new report, we want to facilitate the exploitation and use of this data by all interested parties, thanks to a format that is aligned with that used by other agencies to provide statistical data in our country.

The main changes with respect to the previous monthly report are as follows:

  • Dynamic graphics are added
  • Included graphics of applications in international organizations such as EPO, WIPO and EUIPO of Spanish origin.
  • Charts of European patent validations are included.
  • Included graphs of international trademark applications
  • Number of patent technology report applications included
  • Number of European Patent applications (EPO) filed at the SPTO and number of validations filed at the SPTO are included.
  • PCT applications filed at the SPTO and International Search Report applications to the SPTO are included.
  • In the industrial design modality, applications are shown by dossiers and by designs (a dossier can have up to 50 designs).
  • The number of patent and utility model applications in the GRAF Sheet is the sum of national patents and patents coming from a PCT in the national phase. They are disaggregated in the "Pat and MU" sheet.
  • Monthly data by provinces, which do not appear in the report, can be consulted from the following links on our web page:

Patentes nacionales

Modelos de utilidad

Marcas nacionales

Nombres comerciales

Diseños industriales

More information 

Estadísticas mensuales de la OEPM - Portal OEPM

Contact the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO)
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