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April 2024 | Bulletin num.165 | Subscribe
NIPO: 220-24-028-5

XVIII Seminar of the SPTO "Industrial Property and Sustainable Development Goals" in the framework of the UIMP Summer Courses in Santander

The XVIII Seminar of the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, O.A. (SPTO) will take place in Santander from July 1 to 5 as part of the Summer Courses of the Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIMP). This year the seminar will be dedicated to analyzing how innovation and industrial property contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially in areas such as health or the environment.

The seminar will include presentations and round tables that will address the vision of public institutions in the field of industrial property on the SDGs. In particular, how inventions are contributing to the protection of natural resources or to promote sustainability; the added value that respect for the SDGs brings to a brand; how industrial designs promote efficiency in the use of resources, equity in access to technology and the configuration of urban spaces that promote mobility and sustainability; as well as on the impact of industrial property in areas such as gender equality, the fight against poverty or education.

The Seminar will be inaugurated by Aida Fernández, director of the SPTO, and will feature speakers of recognized academic, professional and business prestige and representatives of national and international public institutions.

Registration for the Seminar is now available and can be made through the UIMP website.

More information

Contact the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO)
910 780 780   902 157 530 información@oepm.es
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