February 2024 | Bulletin num.163 |
Spain among the ten most advanced countries in Europe in the fight against cancer, according to a study by the European Patent OfficeThe European Patent Office (EPO) has published a new report on Patents and innovation against cancer. The month of February has been chosen for its presentation on the occasion of the celebration of World Cancer Day, on February 4. Spain ranks ninth among European countries in this study and 17th globally, with 1539 patent families in this field. Despite advances in research, cancer remains a global threat. According to the European Cancer Information System (ECIS), 31% of men and 25% of women in the EU are expected to be diagnosed with the disease before the age of 75. However, in the European Union, advances in diagnosis and treatment have contributed to saving more than 5 million lives; in relation to this the EPO highlights a 70% increase in innovations between 2015 and 2021 and more than 140,000 inventions have been disclosed in the last 50 years. The study also points to a transformation in the way these innovations have been introduced into the market over the past two decades. It is educational institutions and public research centers that are emerging as key drivers of innovation in the fight against cancer. In Spain, the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) stands out with 184 patents between 2002 and 2021. In addition, the EPO presents new free online tool "Technologies combatting cancer" to facilitate access to commercial and technical information on cancer-related innovation and an update of another tool called "Deep Tech Finder" that maps new European companies with cancer-related patent applications, making it easier for investors and partners to find valuable technologies. More information:
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