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NIPO 220-24-028-5


Increase in Industrial Property rights applications

The Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, O.A. (SPTO) compiles every year the activity at national level that takes place in each of the Industrial Property modalities of its competence and analyzes the applications filed for patents, utility models, complementary protection certificates for medicines and phytosanitary products, trademarks, trade names and industrial designs.




Table of contents  Table of contents



New report on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Technologies (CCAMT)

At the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO) we take climate change very seriously. Therefore, we have prepared a new report on Mitigation and Adaptation Technologies for Climate Change (CCAMT).



Update of the electronic application for opposition and other trademark and trade name renewal procedures

We have renewed some of the SPTO's procedures in order to make them more accessible to citizens. The renewal of these procedures for distinctive signs involves very important improvements in terms of usability and accessibility for citizens, providing assistance in the completion and control of errors in the application process.



Spain among the ten most advanced countries in Europe in the fight against cancer, according to a study by the European Patent Office

The European Patent Office (EPO) has published a new report on Patents and innovation against cancer.



Ranking of the most valuable brands

The Kantar Branz platform, which specializes in global brand valuation, has published its annual ranking of the most valuable Spanish trademarks.


Blog  Blog - Highlighted entry



Francisca Jaquinet, esa gran desconocidaGo

Es una figura muy poco conocida y apenas citada. Su nombre se asocia al Real Privilegio nº8 y es mencionada como figura instrumental que recibe una concesión de patente de introducción en representación de su marido ya fallecido. Y ahí queda la cosa.


Estadísticas  Requests made during January 2024


Sumario  Outstanding event


Fundación CEFI: Curso de Derecho Farmacéutico: Biomedicina, medicamentos y salud pública Ir

Madrid - 5th-6th March, 2024

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Tercer módulo Curso de Gestión Administrativa de la Propiedad Industrial (Paralegales) - OEPM y EOI Ir

Online - 18th-21st March, 2024

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Jornada de estudio y actualización en materia de patentes: "Lunes de Patentes", Barcelona Ir

Barcelona - 18th March, 2024

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Alimentaria 2024. Barcelona Ir

Barcelona - 18th-21st March, 2024

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Cuarto módulo Curso de Gestión Administrativa de la Propiedad Industrial (Paralegales) - OEPM y EOI Ir

Online - 22nd-25th April, 2024

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Contact the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO)

teléfono 910 780 780   902 157 530    correoinformacion@oepm.es

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