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February 2024 | Bulletin num.163 | Subscribe
NIPO: 220-24-028-5

New report on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Technologies (CCAMT)

At the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO) we take climate change very seriously. Therefore, we have prepared a new report on Mitigation and Adaptation Technologies for Climate Change (CCAMT).

This study examines the evolution of the number of applications in CCAMT, the sub-classifications of the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) Y02 with more applications, and the profile of the applicant in these technologies. Published patents are used as the main indicator, both in the SPTO and in European patents of Spanish origin.

The technologies are grouped into five main categories:

  • Low Carbon Energy Production
  • Instrumental Technologies
  • End-Use Technologies
  • Waste and Wastewater Management
  • Climate Change Adaptation.

According to the report, the predominant categories in Spain are Low Carbon Energy Production, followed by End-Use Technologies and Climate Change Adaptation. However, this distribution differs from the global picture, where End-Use Technologies are predominant.

Technologies that stand out most are Solar Thermal Energy, Wind Energy and Photovoltaic Energy. In addition, the latter has experienced strong growth in recent years, reaching the first position in number of inventions.

On the other hand, the presence of women among inventors in TMACC has increased.

As for the largest applicants for patents and utility models in TMACC, the most important is the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), followed by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and BSH Electrodomésticos España S.A. In European patents of Spanish origin, Siemens Gamesa is in first place, followed by General Electric Renovables España and Airbus Operations.

In general, the report highlights the relevance of Spanish technology in TMACC, especially in the production of low-carbon energy, and points out growth areas, development trends and future challenges in the fight against climate change.

More information

Contact the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO)
910 780 780   902 157 530 información@oepm.es
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