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March 2023 | Bulletin num.153 | Subscribe
NIPO: 116-19-035-2

I Javier Navarro Journalism Award

On February 24, the first edition of the Javier Navarro Journalism Awards was held at the headquarters of the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, O.A. (SPTO), awards that have been convened by the Association for the Defense of the Trademark (ANDEMA).

The ceremony, inaugurated by the president of Andema, Rosa Tous, was attended by the director of the OEPM, Aida Fernández, who welcomed all attendees, and Pablo Garde, Undersecretary for Industry, Commerce and Tourism and president of the SPTO, who closed the meeting and highlighted the important work of dissemination of the different media for the knowledge and enhancement of the protection of trademark rights and industrial and intellectual property in general.

The objective of this award is to promote and recognize the work of journalists and the media in the dissemination and approach to public opinion of the contribution of Industrial and Intellectual Property in general and of trademarks, and their owners, in particular, to the economy and society; and the importance of protecting these rights to create value and encourage innovation, among other aspects.

The rules of the prize indicated that the theme of the works presented should revolve around one of the following areas:

  • The value of the brand as an intangible and essential asset for companies.
  • The contribution of trademark holders to the Spanish economy and society in terms of: employment, exports, innovation, taxes, etc.
  • The great damages caused by counterfeiting in any sense: sales, employment, consumer, security, etc.
  • The work of public institutions, companies, associations and State security forces and bodies in the fight against crimes against IP.

The winners of this first edition of the Javier Navarro Journalism Award in the categories of "Economic and general media" and "Media and legal supplements" have been Mª José Pérez-Barco and Víctor Moreno Morales de Setién, respectively.

Their works have been the following: “The luxury industry loses its shine in the digital “top blanket”” published in ABC Empresa by Mª José Pérez-Barco; and "Legal advice to successfully protect brands on the Internet", by Víctor Moreno published in Expansión Jurídico.

Alejandro Galisteo, has been the finalist in the category of "Media and legal supplements" for the piece "NFT to sell rights of cultural works to fans" published in Expansión Jurídico; and Javier Romera and María García, have been the finalists in "Economic and general media" with "From drugs to car parts: this is how counterfeits are sold on the Internet", published in El Economista.

Andema and the SPTO actively cooperate in promoting the dissemination of the value of the brand and the whole of industrial property for the company as a tool for competitiveness.

Andema is a private, non-profit association at national level, whose functions include the promotion and defense of trademarks and the legitimate interests of the holders of industrial and intellectual property rights, as well as the fight against all types of fraud due to the violation of such rights and the study, analysis and dissemination.

The SPTO congratulates the winners for their rigorous articles, and all the participants.

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Bases Premio Periodismo Javier Navarro (andema.org)

Contact the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO)
910 780 780   902 157 530 información@oepm.es
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