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March 2023 | Bulletin num.153 | Subscribe
NIPO: 116-19-035-2

The SPTO has a new profile on Instagram

At the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, O.A. (SPTO) we do not want to be left behind, and for this reason, we have just opened a profile on Instagram as part of our communication strategy.

Through this social network, we want to inform about the different activities, news and data about the Office and its work, in order to reach users who do not have knowledge about the adequate protection of industrial property or are followers of other communication channels of the SPTO.

This new social network joins those already used by the OEPM:

Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube, and along with them, the website and the Trademark and Patent blog.

We want the SPTO to be a more proactive Office that is closer to the users of industrial property rights and to the public.

Join us!

More information


Contact the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO)
910 780 780   902 157 530 información@oepm.es
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