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May 2024 | Bulletin num.166 | Subscribe
NIPO: 220-24-028-5

National Innovation and Design Awards 2023

The Spanish Kings presided over the presentation ceremony of the National Innovation and Design Awards 2023 held in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The awards are organized by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and distinguish those people and entities for whom innovation is the essential element of their professional strategy and business growth and those people and entities that have shown that design is a fundamental lever of innovation and competitiveness.

 The winners in the Innovation category were Bernardo Hernández González (Innovative Career Achievement Award), URBASER (Large Innovative Company Award), Magapor (Small and Medium Innovative Company Award) and Natalia Rodríguez Núñez Milara (Young Innovative Talent Award). Joan Perelló Bestard received a special mention for his innovative career.

 In the design category, the winners were Álvaro Catalán de Ocón Roca de Togores (Design Career Award), Ondarreta (Design and Business Award), Jordi Iranzo García (Young Design Professionals Award), and Morillas Brand Design (Design Career Award).

The protection of innovation through patents and utility models and the protection of creativity through industrial designs and a company's distinctive signs is essential for its economic development, access to international markets and the development of its business.

More information 

Cómo proteger los diseños - Portal OEPM

Premios Nacionales de Innovación y de Diseño (ciencia.gob.es)

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