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May 2024 | Bulletin num.166 | Subscribe
NIPO: 220-24-028-5

Only 11% of Spanish SMEs have registered their IPRs

We are aware that there is still a long way to go before small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and the self-employed become aware of the importance of actively protecting and defending their industrial property rights (IPR). Therefore, we remind you in this issue of some of the key points to bear in mind.

Forty percent of small and medium-sized companies admit that they do not carry out market monitoring to detect possible infringements of their industrial property rights, or only rely on  random information about infringements, such as customer feedback or information provided by their business partners.

Among the reasons given by SMEs for not registering their IPRs are that there is no additional benefit from registration (35% of respondents) or that their IPRs are already sufficiently protected without registration (34%).

However, not actively monitoring your company's intangible assets to detect possible infringements of industrial property rights can lead to becoming a victim of counterfeiting. Remember that nowadays everything is counterfeited, any successful product or service on the market can be counterfeited, the greater the success and reputation for good quality, the more likely it is to be targeted by criminal counterfeiters.

For this reason, we remind you of the brochure published by the SPTO that explains how to protect and defend your IPR if you are an SME, company or entrepreneur. In this brochure you will find information depending on the market you want to cover (only national or exporting to the European Union or third countries), the sales mode (online or in traditional markets), if you are going to license, franchise or exhibit your products in exhibitions or fairs.

You can send your doubts or clarifications to the following e-mail address: stopfalsificaciones@oepm.es

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