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NIPO 220-24-028-5


Finalists for the Best Invention Protected by Industrial Property Rights Awards

The awards ceremony for the best invention protected by industrial property rights will take place on June 6. In this third edition of the awards, the members of the jury have selected the finalists from more than 153 nominations.




Table of contents  Table of contents



Treaty on industrial property, genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge

On May 24, 2024, WIPO Member States approved a groundbreaking new Treaty on industrial property (IP), genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge.



Only 11% of Spanish SMEs have registered their IPRs

We are aware that there is still a long way to go before small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and the self-employed become aware of the importance of actively protecting and defending their industrial property rights (IPR). Therefore, we remind you in this issue of some of the key points to bear in mind.



International Design Congress

Design, as a form of creative expression, involves giving products or services a specific external appearance. In the most advanced economies, design plays a crucial role in economic terms. Consumers value the aesthetics of objects beyond their practical utility, especially in sectors such as fashion, where the visual aspect is fundamental.



National Innovation and Design Awards 2023

The Spanish Kings presided over the presentation ceremony of the National Innovation and Design Awards 2023 held in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The awards are organized by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and distinguish those people and entities for whom innovation is the essential element of their professional strategy and business growth and those people and entities that have shown that design is a fundamental lever of innovation and competitiveness.


Blog  Blog - Highlighted entry



¿Por qué un Plan Estratégico?Go

Aunque el concepto de Planificación Estratégica tiene un origen militar, en la actualidad, para todo lo que hacemos en la vida y aunque nunca nos paremos a pensarlo, necesitamos un Plan.


Estadísticas  Requests made during April 2024


Sumario  Outstanding event


Primer módulo Curso de Gestión Administrativa de la Propiedad Industrial (Paralegales) - OEPM y EOI Ir

Online - 3rd-6th June, 2024

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Seminario ABGIntellectualProperty: IP Perspectives Ir

Madrid - 6th June, 2024

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Ceremonia de entrega del Premio a la Mejor Invención concedida en 2022 Ir

Madrid - 6th June, 2024

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OEPM, IVACE - Indicaciones Geográficas y Diseño Industrial Ir

Valencia - 7th June, 2024

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Jornada formativa: La propiedad industrial como estrategia para la valorización del conocimiento Ir

Madrid - 11th June, 2024

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Seminario en línea Ideas Powered for business: La importancia de la propiedad industrial para las pymes Ir

Online - 13th June, 2024

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Webinario: Protección de patentes para los beneficiarios de financiación de la UE - Tecnologías verdes Ir

Online - 18th June, 2024

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Nanomed Spain: Ciencia abierta y propiedad intelectual Ir

Barcelona - 19th June, 2024

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