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September 2023 | Bulletin num.158 | Subscribe
NIPO: 116-19-035-2

Spain Design Index, the first study on the impact of design in Spanish companies

Design is part of our lives, in all the objects that surround us, and that have been created by human beings. However, we are often unaware of this.

The Leading Brands of Spain Forum (FMRE) wanted to reflect on this through the Spain Design Index 2023, a publication that focuses on the impact of design in Spanish companies.

The study was presented on September 18 at the Madrid headquarters of the Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI). It has been prepared by FMRE and the company Futurea, specialized in research studies and application of trends in strategic environments, with the collaboration of the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, O.A. (OEPM).

The General Directors of FMRE and of Industry and SMEs were in charge of welcoming the audience. The presentation of the report "Spain Design Index 2023", was made by the heads of Futurea, which was followed by a round table with professional speakers who lead the change in their organizations, moderated by the DG of EOI. In it, the importance of the inclusion of design within companies to scale in the value proposition, the involvement of management in the design and the use of different industrial property rights together, without being exclusive, was emphasized.

After the round table, the director of the SPTO concluded the event by affirming the need to promote the strategic importance of design as an intangible asset of great value and the improvement of the competitiveness and differentiation of companies through its registration.

 The Spain Design Index 2023 contains the results of the analysis of the degree of maturity and the role of design in the Spanish company in order to know the impact of design in the country's economy.

This monograph has been carried out using a mixed methodology, both from a qualitative approach and from a quantitative perspective with the analysis of 251 Spanish companies, studying their design structure and its impact on economic results.

The most outstanding results of the report show that companies consider that design protection is key in the innovation process, and a trademark registration associated with design reinforces the corporate image.

More information

Contact the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO)
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