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NIPO 116-19-035-2


High Level Conference on Industrial Property

Within the framework of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, O.A. (SPTO) organized a High Level Conference on Industrial Property (IP) in Madrid on September 11 and 12.




Table of contents  Table of contents



Spain Design Index, the first study on the impact of design in Spanish companies

Design is part of our lives, in all the objects that surround us, and that have been created by human beings. However, we are often unaware of this.



The fashion sector united against counterfeits

The Madrid es Moda project, framed under the umbrella of the municipal program Madrid Capital de la Moda (MCDM), seeks to value and create business opportunities for Spanish designer fashion brands in union with the values of the city of Madrid.



Publication of the report "The SPTO in figures 2022"

In order to know where we are going, it is necessary to know where we have come from. With this spirit and concern, we are publishing our annual report "The SPTO in figures".



Appointment of trainee civil servants

On September 5, 2023, our new colleagues, trainee civil servants of the Scale of Senior Graduates of Autonomous Bodies of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, specializing in Industrial Property and Metrology, began their career in the administration with their appointment as trainee civil servants. 


Blog  Blog - Highlighted entry



La Presidencia de España del Consejo de la Unión Europea y la Propiedad Industrial (Parte I)Go

La presidencia rotatoria de España del Consejo de la UE, se inició el 1 de julio de 2023 y cubrirá todo el segundo semestre de 2023. Este periodo ha coincidido con una actividad muy intensa en temas de Propiedad Industrial (PI).


Estadísticas  Requests made during August 2023


Sumario  Outstanding event


Congreso Nacional de Industrial y Pyme Ir

Málaga - 2nd-3rd October, 2023

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Seminario Clarivate for IP: Obtenga el mayor rendimiento en PI: Cómo la Analítica y Visualización de Datos pueden impulsar su despacho en la toma de decisiones estratégicas Ir

Madrid - 4th October, 2023

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Taller INDECOPI - Buenas prácticas en la promoción y protección de los Modelos de Utilidad en los países IBEPI Ir

Online - 6th October, 2023

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Conferencia CEIPI: "¿Hasta qué punto está armonizado el derecho de patentes en Europa?" Ir

Online - 11th-12th October, 2023

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Seminario ABG IP - IP Perspectives Euskadi VI Ir

Bilbao - 19th October, 2023

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Contact the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO)

teléfono 910 780 780   902 157 530    correoinformacion@oepm.es

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