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October 2023 | Bulletin num.159 | Subscribe
NIPO: 116-19-035-2

Developments in EU Legislation - Design Protection

The Council of Ministers of the European Union (EU), which met in Brussels last September under the chair of the Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism, has approved its General Guidelines on the revision of EU design protection legislation, the first update of the law in more than twenty years.

This legislative package, which is still going through the European Parliament, will bring the rules into line with the digital and ecological transitions and aims to make design protection more accessible and efficient in the EU, a sector that accounts for almost 16% of GDP and 14% of jobs in the Union.

Registered and protected industrial design contributes decisively to the commercial strategy, competitiveness and internationalization of companies. Therefore, the decision taken under the Spanish Presidency will benefit companies, especially SMEs and consumers.

On the other hand, the EU Council has adopted a regulation on the protection of geographical indications for artisanal and industrial products. When in force, Geographical Indications (GIs) for industrial products linked to a geographical area of production (such as cutlery from Albacete, glass from Bohemia or porcelain from Limoges) will enjoy protection similar to that of food or beverages.

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Geographical Indications


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