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October 2023 | Bulletin num.159 | Subscribe
NIPO: 116-19-035-2

The SPTO and the EOI Foundation sign an agreement to carry out activities within the framework of the Fernández-Nóvoa Chair of Innovation and Industrial Property for the next 4 years

The Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, O.A. (SPTO) and the Industrial Organization School, (EOI), F.S.P, have recently signed an agreement to carry out activities within the framework of the Fernández-Nóvoa Chair of Innovation and Industrial Property for the next four years.

 The main objective of this chair is the promotion of teaching, research and dissemination of knowledge in the field of Industrial Property (IP).

 The following lines of action, among others, are used for the development of the Chair:

  • Joint development and execution of Training Programs aimed at providing agile and expert training to Spanish companies.
  • Organization of meeting forums that allow the exchange of knowledge, experiences and concerns.
  • Bringing the IP world closer to the educational field in an interdisciplinary and transversal way.
  • Development of specific training programs for university students with academic validity.
  • Dissemination of activities for the promotion of IP knowledge.
  • Promotion of technology watch by Spanish companies.
  • Research of new tools for the promotion of IP knowledge.

The purpose of the Chair is to provide industry, the university and society, with new perspectives in the field of Industrial Property that are not addressed in either master's degrees or university curricula, and which are currently acquired through professional experience and scattered studies.

This agreement has been signed for the first time for a period of four years, which will allow greater agility in carrying out the activities, while providing stability in the joint work between the SPTO and the EOI.

More information

Publication of the Agreement in the BOE

Contact the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO)
910 780 780   902 157 530 información@oepm.es
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