October 2023 | Bulletin num.159 |
Forum of Public Representatives. Seville, October 18 and 19, 2023A two-day event took place in Seville to discuss, through meetings and round tables, critical issues related to industrial and intellectual property rights (IPR) and their protection in the European Union. IPRs are the foundation of innovation, creativity and growth in our modern world. They are a testament to human ingenuity and serve as a catalyst for technological advances, cultural expressions and economic prosperity. Protecting these rights is not only a legal imperative; it is a moral duty that safeguards the fruits of human endeavor. For this reason, the European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights and the SPTO have organized this event within the framework of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. On the first day of the Forum, the Meeting of Public Sector Representatives and Observers of the Observatory was held. During this closed-door meeting in a working table format, the attendees were updated on the work of the Observatory and the European Commission in the field of counterfeiting, among other issues. The second day of the Forum was held in Conference format under the title "Industrial Property in the Digital Context: Protection and Awareness: Challenges for Future Generations". The rapid transformation of the traditional market to the digital market makes counterfeits circulate through the network and take advantage of the advance of e-commerce and this is where the new generations are more active. Watching and engaging the youth in the fight against this counterfeit marketing is a complex task, but one that undoubtedly offers opportunities from a new and interesting perspective. The levels of online piracy and counterfeit sales remain alarming, which continues to pose specific challenges, adapting intellectual and industrial property enforcement policies and regimes in Europe. Their detection also requires specialized tools and appropriate technology. This second day was open to the public and free of charge, and the full program is available on the following website
Table of contentsThe SPTO and the EOI Foundation sign an agreement to carry out activities within the framework of the Fernández-Nóvoa Chair of Innovation and Industrial Property for the next 4 yearsThe Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism brings together institutions, companies and associations at the National Congress of Industry and SMEsPublication of video tutorials on the changes introduced in national trademark laws by the transposition and implementation of Directive (EU) 2015/2436Developments in EU Legislation - Design ProtectionAndalucía TRADE and OEPM MeetingBlog50 años del Convenio de la Patente Europea y su influencia en el sistema de patentes español |