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The course is designed for professionals in Industrial Property agencies, corporate Industrial Property Departments, Offices for the Transfer of Research Findings (OTRIS) in Universities, Technology Parks and Public Research Bodies (OPI), etc.


Course on Industrial Property Administration (Paralegals)

The 6th edition of the Course on Industrial Property Administration (Paralegals), organised by the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO) and the Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI), will begin on 20 June. It will take place from June to November in Madrid, and will consist of 5 separate modules.

The course will be given by high-ranking officials from the General State Administration working for the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, members of committees and working groups in the European Patent Office (EPO), the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and consultants from the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO).

It is designed for professionals in Industrial Property agencies, corporate Industrial Property Departments, Offices for the Transfer of Research Findings (OTRIS) in Universities, Technology Parks and Public Research Bodies (OPI), etc., and, in general, for all professionals involved in Industrial Property management.

Objectives and Enrolment
The course forms part of the activities of the Carlos Fernández-Nóvoa Chair on Innovation and Industrial Property, which aims to promote an integrated system of training and information to facilitate the mutual transfer of knowledge between the business and academic worlds. Its main goals are:

  • To offer theoretical and practical training on Industrial Property, inventions, trademarks and designs.
  • To provide in-depth training on all relevant aspects of Spanish protection systems.
  • To provide continuous, structured training on international protection systems – European, PCT, USA, Chinese, etc.
  • To encourage the sharing of experience among the different sectors involved, both nationally and internationally.

Participants may enrol for each module separately, and applications may be submitted up to the starting date of each module.

Prices and special conditions
Total for all five modules: 1,200 €.
Individual modules: 300 € each.

Special conditions:

  • 20% discount for EOI alumni: 960 €
  • 30% discount for employees of SPTO collaborating companies (to be certified by SPTO) and OTRIS: 840 €
  • 40% discount for unemployed persons: 720 €

This course may be subsidised through the Tripartite Foundation. Remember that if your company is eligible for such subsidies, the Tripartite Foundation should be notified at least 7 calendar days prior to the start of the course.