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Monographs and Books

  • Industrial Property and its Influence on Business Success - Volume 3 (2022)

    Ir a Industrial Property and its Influence on Business Success - Volume 3 (2022)
  • Catalogues of Plans of the Historical Archive of the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (2021)

    Ir a Catalogues of Plans of the Historical Archive of the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (2021)
  • Jorge Bosch Díaz: A Doctor in the Face of Adversity (2021)

    Ir a Jorge Bosch Díaz: A Doctor in the Face of Adversity (2021)
  • Invention Patents of Don Juan de la Cierva in the Industrial Property Register (2020)

    Ir a Invention Patents of Don Juan de la Cierva in the Industrial Property Register (2020)
  • Invention Patents of Don Leonardo Torres Quevedo (2020)

    Ir a Invention Patents of Don Leonardo Torres Quevedo (2020)
  • Industrial Property and its Influence on Business Success - Volume 2 (2018)

    Ir a Industrial Property and its Influence on Business Success - Volume 2 (2018)
  • Patent Law of 24 July 2015 and its Implementing Regulations (2017)

    Ir a Patent Law of 24 July 2015 and its Implementing Regulations (2017)
  • Your Guide to IP in Horizon 2020 (2017)

    Ir a Your Guide to IP in Horizon 2020 (2017)
  • Industrial Property and its Influence on Business Success (2014)

    Ir a Industrial Property and its Influence on Business Success (2014)
  • Viability of Patent Insurance in Spain (2013)

    Ir a Viability of Patent Insurance in Spain (2013)
  • Viability of Patent Insurance in Spain (2013)

    Ir a Viability of Patent Insurance in Spain (2013)
  • 200 Years of Patents (2011)

    Ir a 200 Years of Patents (2011)
  • OECD Patent Statistics Manual (2009)

    Ir a OECD Patent Statistics Manual (2009)
  • Connecting rods and cogs 1826 (2008)

    Ir a Connecting rods and cogs 1826 (2008)
  • The Transfer of Agronomic Technology from Spain to America from 1492 to 1598 (2007)

    Ir a The Transfer of Agronomic Technology from Spain to America from 1492 to 1598 (2007)
  • How to protect industrial and intellectual property rights in the ICT sector (2007)

    Ir a How to protect industrial and intellectual property rights in the ICT sector (2007)
  • Mechanisms for Technology Transfer and Industrial Property between Universities, Public Research Bodies and Business (2006)

    Ir a Mechanisms for Technology Transfer and Industrial Property between Universities, Public Research Bodies and Business (2006)
  • Patents as Indicators of Technological Innovation in the Spanish Agricultural Sector and its Auxiliary Industry (2000)

    Ir a Patents as Indicators of Technological Innovation in the Spanish Agricultural Sector and its Auxiliary Industry (2000)
  • Industrial Property and Liberal Revolution (1995)

    Ir a Industrial Property and Liberal Revolution (1995)
  • Patents and Structures of Parabolic Trough Collectors in Solar Thermal Devices (2017)

    Ir a Patents and Structures of Parabolic Trough Collectors in Solar Thermal Devices (2017)
  • Patents and Fresnel Reflectors in Solar Thermal Devices (2017)

    Ir a Patents and Fresnel Reflectors in Solar Thermal Devices (2017)
  • SPTO publications available on Google Books.

    Ir a SPTO publications available on Google Books.