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Trademarks and trade names


These are signs that serve to distinguish the goods, services or activities of one undertaking from those of other undertakings. If you have a business, find out what trademarks and trade names are and what the application and management process involves.


How to protect trademarks and trade names

Before registering your trademark or trade name, we recommend that you consult this information.

Basic information

If you want to know what a trademark or trade name is, what can be registered or what types exist, see this section.


Benefits of protecting

The registration of a trademark or trade name allows its owner to use it exclusively and to prevent third parties from using it without their consent.


Regulations and practice

Consult the trademark and trade name regulations, guidelines and common practices applied by the office when reviewing applications.


Who can help?

If you want specialised advice, you can consult a professional.



Submit an application

The registration of a trademark or trade name is subject to a number of legal provisions. You should take into account the recommendations before applying.


What to do before applying for a trademark or a trade name

Before applying for your trademark or trade name, it is advisable to check whether there are any other prior parties who may oppose the registration.



Registration procedure

We explain step by step the procedure from applying for the registration to granting or refusal.


Protect your trademark in other countries

If you want your trademark to be protected outside Spain, please consult this section.


Management of trademarks and trade names

Proper management of your trademark or trade name registration is an important factor in maintaining its value.

Maintenance and protection

The registration of the trademark or trade name has a legal duration of 10 years, which is renewable for successive periods of 10 years. In addition, the application and registration of the trademark or trade name allows you to oppose the registration of subsequent signs that may be confused with yours.

Invalidity and revocation proceedings

Administrative invalidity and revocation proceedings are processed before the SPTO. These can be used to obtain a declaration of invalidity or revocation of a registered trademark or trade name.



Information on the quality initiatives that the SPTO applies in its daily activities, in order to achieve the satisfaction of the users of its services.


If you still have any doubts, in this section we answer a number of common questions on trademarks and trade names.


Latest news

All the latest news related to trademarks and trade names.