Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio LogoMinisterior



With our Integrated Quality Management System, at the SPTO, we are committed to applying a policy of continuous improvement; this results in better products and services, particularly in the field of distinctive signs, thanks to the application of international best practices.


The SPTO is ISO 9001:2015 certified in the handling of the following processes for distinctive signs:


  • Processing of applications, registration and renewal of national trademarks.
  • Processing of applications, registration and renewal of trade names.


Services charters


The services charters are the documents through which the SPTO informs citizens about the services it has been entrusted with, the rights they have in relation to those services and the commitment to ensuring the highest quality in their provision.


In relation to distinctive signs, we currently have a services charter in force in our organisation and we publish monthly monitoring of the quality commitments defined in it:


  • Trademark and trade name services charter and monitoring
    Ir a Trademark and trade name services charter and monitoring


Satisfaction survey reports


It is important for the SPTO to meet the needs and expectations of users and to detect possible areas for improvement of services.


In relation to distinctive sign processes, we carry out regular satisfaction surveys on the services offered and we draw up reports with the results obtained, which you can consult below.



  • Satisfaction survey reports
    Ir a Satisfaction survey reports