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Applying for a supplementary protection certificate (SPC) and extension


By means of the supplementary protection certificate, the protection in Spain of a patent on a pharmaceutical or phytosanitary product that has a marketing authorisation in force in Spain can be extended up to  a maximum of 5 more years once the 20-year duration of said patent has expired. Under certain conditions, it is possible to extend the validity of a supplementary protection certificate already granted by means of a 6-month paediatric extension.


  • SPC application and extension process

    Learn about the main milestones in the application process, the documents you need to submit, the fees you have to pay and how you can start the process. 

    Ir a SPC application and extension process
  • Application follow-up

    By consulting the SPTO databases, you can follow the processing of your application and search for publications in the Official Industrial Property Gazette (BOPI).

    Ir a Application follow-up