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NIPO 116-19-035-2


The Spanish Patent and Trademark Office launches its annual campaign to stimulate the purchase of original products

The Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, O.A. (SPTO) annually carries out, in accordance with the Annual Institutional Advertising Plan of the General State Administration, an awareness campaign on the counterfeiting of goods and merchandise and its social and economic consequences. In 2023 the campaign has started on Friday, November 24 to coincide with Black Friday, one of the annual peak periods for consumer purchases, along with Christmas.




Table of contents  Table of contents



New edition of the Industrial Property Administrative Management Course (Paralegals)

Being aware of the importance of an adequate training, the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, O.A. (SPTO) and the School of Industrial Organization, F.S.P. (EOI) support the Carlos Fernández-Nóvoa Chair of Innovation and Industrial Property, whose ultimate purpose is to facilitate the transfer of mutual knowledge between companies and Universities.



Meeting with directors of Industrial Property offices
EU IP package: conversation on the road ahead

Within the framework of the Spanish Presidency of the European Union (EU), the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, O.A. (SPTO) organized a meeting of directors of European Industrial Property Offices, with the main objective of exchanging views on the future of Industrial Property.



Launch of new electronic filing system for inventions (OEPMSEI)

Since the beginning of November, the SPTO has a new electronic filing system for inventions, OEPMSEI. With this application, developed hand in hand with the European Patent Office, we want to provide a solution to one of the greatest demands of our users: to modernize and make our electronic application systems for the different types of inventions more user-friendly and intuitive.



Spain among the top 20 countries in number of trademark and industrial design applications, according to WIPO's new World Intellectual Property Indicators 2023 Report

The International Organization of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has published the new World Intellectual Property Indicators 2023 Report. This 2023 report contains data for the year 2022 and provides an overview of the use of the industrial and intellectual property (IP) system worldwide.


Blog  Blog - Highlighted entry



La Presidencia de España en el Consejo de la Unión Europea y la Propiedad Industrial (Parte II)Go

España asume por quinta vez en su historia, la Presidencia del Consejo de la UE. Esta presidencia rotatoria cubre la totalidad del segundo semestre de 2023 y durante este periodo de tiempo, se han llevado a cabo muchas actuaciones en materia de Propiedad Industrial (PI).


Estadísticas  Requests made during October 2023


Sumario  Outstanding event


Taller INFO, Murcia - Diferenciarse: El poder de la marca Ir

Murcia - 29th November, 2023

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Seminario ABG IP- IP Perspectives Catalunya II Ir

Barcelona - 30th November, 2023

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Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): A new frontier in clean tech? Ir

Online - 7th December, 2023

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Patentes en el sector de los embalajes Ir

Sede OEPM - 13th December, 2023

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Contact the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO)

teléfono 910 780 780   902 157 530    correoinformacion@oepm.es

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