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January 2023 | Bulletin num.151 | Subscribe
NIPO: 116-19-035-2

Production of the new Web system for the electronic presentation of inventions, OEPMSEI

On December 13, the new Web system for the electronic submission of inventions (OEPMSei – Electronic Application for Inventions) was put into production.

This application, developed jointly with the European Patent Office, aims to provide a solution to one of the greatest demands of our group of users, consisting of modernizing and making our electronic application systems for the different modalities of inventions more user-friendly and intuitive.

The scope of this first version includes the following procedures:

  • National patent and utility model application (including, in addition to the first filing, the divisional application, European patent transformation and modality change application)
  • Application for validation of a European patent (provisional and final)
  • Request for Complementary Protection Certificate (CCP)
  • PCT international application
  • European Patent Application (form 1001)

In the coming months, the scope of the new tool will be progressively expanded, until it covers all the electronic procedures related to inventions.

To make the transition as smooth as possible and facilitate a gradual incorporation, a plan has been designed that consists of several phases:

  • Phase 1: Access for a small group of professional users to the first version of the tool, to solve possible errors and incorporate the first improvements. This is the phase we are currently in.
  • Phase 2: Expanded access to other professional users
  • Phase 3: Opening of the tool to the general public

Throughout this process, the current system (e-OLF) will continue to be maintained in parallel, and its access will be progressively restricted.

From the SPTO we want to thank the European Patent Office for its great involvement in the project and the great teamwork carried out.

Contact the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO)
910 780 780   902 157 530 información@oepm.es
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