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January 2023 | Bulletin num.151 | Subscribe
NIPO: 116-19-035-2

Call for Selective Process SPTO 2021 and 2022

If you want to work in the General State Administration, and you like the world of Industrial Property, cheer up! In the Spanish Official Gazette (BOE of December 27, 2022), the Resolution of December 16, 2022, of the Under secretariat, has been published, by which the selective process for admission is called, through the general system of free access, specialties of Industrial Property and Metrology.

The deadline for submitting applications begins on December 28, 2022 and ends on January 25, 2023.

Industrial Property Specialty: 34 places, of which 32 places correspond to the general quota and 2 to the reserve quota for people with general disabilities with a degree equal to or greater than 33%, distributed as follows:

– Technical branch:

  • Mechanical area: 4 places.
  • Electrical area: 4 places.
  • Chemical area: 4 places.

– IT branch (for management and support of Industrial Property procedures): 7 positions.

– Legal branch: 15 seats.

Metrology Specialty: 14 general quota places.

The first exercise will be held before March 27, 2023. In any case, the date, time and place of the aforementioned first exercise will be indicated in the resolution approving the provisional list of applicants admitted and excluded from the process selective.  This will be published at the end of February and will be announced on the website of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism (MICOTUR), on the website of the Spanish Metrology Center, O.A. (CEM) and the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, O.A (SPTO).

Likewise, a brief Curriculum vitae of the members of the Qualifying Court is published.

For questions related to the application to participate in the selection process, Industrial Property specialty, contact by email: examinadores@oepm.es or rrhh@oepm.es or by phone 913495347/5354.

More information

Resolución de 16 de diciembre de 2022


Contact the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO)
910 780 780   902 157 530 información@oepm.es
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