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December 2023 | Bulletin num.161 | Subscribe
NIPO: 116-19-035-2

Don't gamble at Christmas.

This is the peak time of the year for the purchase of many products: gourmet foods, toys and gift items in general.

For example, the toy sector concentrates 40% of its turnover at this time of year (SOURCE: Spanish Association of Toy Manufacturers).

It is also known that families make an effort with the shopping cart to bring to their tables gourmet type foods that are not usual during the rest of the year.

For this reason, counterfeiters try to make a killing.

The State Security Forces and Corps ensure that counterfeit products that may be harmful to health are removed from the market.

From the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office we want to insist on the potential danger posed by the purchase of counterfeits and remember some tips to keep in mind to avoid buying fakes:

- The price is suspiciously cheap, be wary of bargains.

- The quality of the product is lower than expected, e.g. faulty seams or zippers on clothing and leather.

- Product smells of glue, plastic or chemicals

- Packaging, labeling and images are of poor quality

- The point of sale is not normal for a product of that class.

And remember that fake cause real harm.

More information

Contact the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO)
910 780 780   902 157 530 información@oepm.es
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