Awards for the promotion and protection of IP rights

On 21 April, the Under-Secretary for Industry, Energy and Tourism presented the awards of Commander of the Order of Isabella the Catholic to Alberto Casado Cerviño, Commander of the Order of Civil Merit to António Serge de Pinho Campinos and the Officer’s Cross of the Order of Civil Merit to José Antolín Macías Martín for their careers in the field of Industrial Property (IP) and for their dedication to the promotion and protection of IP rights.
Decorations for contributing to IP
In today’s society with its changing priorities, what is most valued is knowledge. It is therefore essential to protect the results of knowledge, that is, to protect IP rights, which undoubtedly are the driving force behind the global economy.
Innovation, both technological and formal, as well as quality, design and brands are present on a daily level in Spain in the industrial, business and commercial sectors, in universities and in research centres. The public administrations therefore have to go beyond creating a competitive environment, from the point of view of regulation and of information services. They have to be proactive in drawing up measures to promote IP in order to galvanise the capacity of all groups that are directly involved.
It was along these lines that the government, represented by the Under-Secretary for Industry, Energy and Tourism, at the request of the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO), took the decision to show official recognition of the work done in protecting IP rights by granting these awards.
In addition, on 27 April, an event was held to present decorations of the Order of Civil Merit to members of the Judiciary, the Police Forces and the Tax Administration for their work in protecting Industrial Property rights. The Under-Secretary for Industry, Energy and Tourism awarded 16 decorations to representatives of the Ministries of Justice, the Interior and the Treasury and Public Administrations in recognition of the untiring work done to promote Industrial Property rights and to fight the phenomenon of counterfeiting. The event was chaired by the Under-Secretary for Industry, Energy and Tourism, the Director General of the Police and the Director of the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office.
The decorations awarded were proposed by the Inter-sector Commission for action against activities that infringe Industrial Property Rights, whose Deputy Chair is the Under-Secretary for Industry, Energy and Tourism. The medals were granted by His Majesty the King, Great Master of the Order of Civil Merit, in consideration of the merits and circumstances of the award-winners.
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