Resumen de: US2025059341A1
A geothermal system including a heat-driven process system using heat extracted from a magma wellbore for driving a thermal process. The system includes a magma wellbore connected to the heat-driven process system in a closed loop. A heated heat transfer fluid conveys the heat from the magma wellbore to a reactor housing a decomposition reaction. The reactor can be a batch reactor, a continuous reactor, or a through-flow reactor. The heat provides the reaction temperature necessary for driving the decomposition reaction of a polymer to an end product. The heat can be provided directly by the heated heat transfer fluid, by an intermediate heat transfer fluid heated by the heated heat transfer fluid, or by a reaction medium heated by the heated heat transfer fluid.
Resumen de: US2025059852A1
A valve assembly for downhole completion operations and method for using the assembly is described. The valve assembly relies on non-polymeric interfaces between the valve components for sealing the valves without elastomeric materials, thereby making the valve assembly suitable for high temperature well operations, such as 320° C. to 600° C. which are typically encountered in geothermal well operations. The valve assembly includes a first seat which receives an actuating member to actuate the opening of ports in the housing, thereby allowing for fluid injection into the formation adjacent the valve assembly through the ports. A seal assembly suitable for use in high temperature well operations is also described.
Resumen de: US2025059871A1
Tuning fracture hydraulic conductivity can be provided so that high hydraulic conductivity in high temperature zones and low hydraulic conductivity in low temperature zones can be defined in enhanced geothermal systems (EGS). Uniform thermal gradient along flow paths can be provided or defined to help provide such conductivity zones. Experimentation performed to evaluate embodiments showed that embodiments could prevent appearance of dominant flow paths between the wells and maintain high heat extraction rates. Embodiments can greatly increase cumulative heat extraction. Embodiments can also be provided for application solely to the injection wells. Other embodiments can position tuning agents between the wells and still help provide control of the fluid flow in the reservoir and enhance heat extraction.
Resumen de: WO2025038121A1
A geothermal system including a heat-driven process system using heat extracted from a magma wellbore for driving a thermal process. The system includes a magma wellbore connected to the heat-driven process system in a closed loop. A heated heat transfer fluid conveys the heat from the magma wellbore to a reactor housing a decomposition reaction. The reactor can be a batch reactor, a continuous reactor, or a through-flow reactor. The heat provides the reaction temperature necessary for driving the decomposition reaction of a polymer to an end product. The heat can be provided directly by the heated heat transfer fluid, by an intermediate heat transfer fluid heated by the heated heat transfer fluid, or by a reaction medium heated by the heated heat transfer fluid.
Resumen de: AU2023395079A1
(12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property (1) Organization11111111111111111111111I1111111111111ii111liiili International Bureau (10) International Publication Number (43) International Publication Date W O 2024/126875 Al 20 June 2024 (20.06.2024) W IPO I PCT (51) International Patent Classification: CROSSLEY, Robert; c/o CGG Services SAS, 27, Avenue F24T10/17(2018.01) E21B 43/24 (2006.01) Carnot, 91300 MASSY (FR). DRUMM, Elisha; c/o CGG (21) International Application Number: Services SAS, 27, Avenue Carnot, 91300 MASSY (FR). PCT/EP2023/087689 POTGIETER, Junior; c/o CGG SERVICES SAS, 27, Av enue Carnot, 91300 MASSY (FR). NORMAN, Max; c/o (22) International Filing Date: CGG SERVICES SAS, 27, Avenue Carnot, 91300 MASSY 22 December 2023 (22.12.2023) (FR). WILLIAMS, Mark; c/o CGG Services SAS, 27, Av (25) Filing Language: English enue Carnot, 91300 MASSY (FR). (74) Agent: SCHMIT, Charlotte; IPSILON, Le Centralis, 63 (26)PublicationLanguage: English Avenue du General Leclerc, 92340 BOURG-LA-REINE (30) Priority Data: (FR). FR2308350 01 August 2023 (01.08.2023) FR (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every (71) Applicant: CGG SERVICES SAS FR/FR; 27, Avenue kind ofnational protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, Carnot, 91300 MASSY (FR). AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CV, CZ, DE, DJ, DK, DM, (72)Inventors: PETER-BORIE, Marine; c/o CGG DO, DZ, EC,
Resumen de: AU2023416997A1
(12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property (1) Organization11111111111111111111111I1111111111111i1111liiiii International Bureau (10) International Publication Number (43) International Publication Date W O 2024/141507 Al 04 July 2024 (04.07.2024) W IPO I PCT (51) InternationalPatent Classification: (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every F24T 10/17 (2018.0 1) kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, (21) International Application Number: AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, BZ, PCT/EP2023/087738 CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CV, CZ, DE, DJ, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, Fl, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, (22) International Filing Date: HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IQ, IR, IS, IT, JM, JO, JP, KE, KG, 22 December 2023 (22.12.2023) KH, KN, KP, KR, KW, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MU, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, (25)FilingLanguage: English NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, (26) Publication Language: English RS, RU, RW, SA, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, ST, SV SY, TH, (30)PriorityData: TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, WS, FR2308348 01 August 2023 (01.08.2023) FR ZA,ZMZW. (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every (71)Applicant: CGG SERVICESSASFR/FR;27,Avenue kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, CV, Carnot,91300MASSY(FR). GH, GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SC, SD, SL, ST, (72) Inventors: PETER-BORIE
Resumen de: US2025060163A1
A geothermally powered zinc production subsystem includes a geothermal system with a wellbore extending from a surface into an underground magma reservoir. A hopper receives a sphalerite ore that is crushed and provided to a flotation tank. The flotation tank is heated by a heat transfer fluid heated by the geothermal system, and a product of the flotation tank is used to prepare zinc.
Resumen de: US2025059839A1
A drilling fluid conditioning system for a well system includes a return conduit configured to receive drilling fluid recirculated from a wellbore of the well system, a drilling fluid pre-chilling system in fluid communication with and downstream from the return conduit, wherein the drilling fluid pre-chilling system includes a cooler configured to transfer heat from the drilling fluid to a heat sink, a solids separator in fluid communication with and upstream from the cooler, and a fluid powered jet pump for pumping the drilling fluid from the solids separator to the cooler of the drilling fluid pre-chilling system, a solids control system in fluid communication with and downstream from the drilling fluid pre-chilling system, wherein the solids control system is configured to separate at least some solids from the drilling fluid.
Resumen de: US2025059867A1
Downhole tools, systems, and methods for electric-based fracturing are disclosed. A downhole tool for electric-based fracturing may include an outer enclosure, an insulator chamber disposed at least partially within the enclosure, and an electrode disposed at least partially within the insulator chamber. The electrode may extend out from the insulator chamber and the enclosure, and may be configured to transfer electric energy to an exterior environment surrounding the downhole tool. The insulator chamber may be configured to thermally and electrically insulate at least a portion of the electrode from the exterior environment.
Resumen de: US2025059865A1
Downhole tools, systems, and methods for electric-based fracturing are disclosed. A downhole tool for electric-based fracturing may include an outer enclosure, an insulator chamber disposed at least partially within the enclosure, and an electrode disposed at least partially within the insulator chamber. The electrode may extend out from the insulator chamber and the enclosure, and may be configured to transfer electric energy to an exterior environment surrounding the downhole tool. The insulator chamber may be configured to thermally and electrically insulate at least a portion of the electrode from the exterior environment.
Resumen de: US2025059342A1
A geothermal system including a heat-driven process system using heat extracted from a magma wellbore for driving a thermal process. The system includes a magma wellbore connected to the heat-driven process system in a closed loop. A heated heat transfer fluid conveys the heat from the magma wellbore to a reactor housing a decomposition reaction. The reactor can be a batch reactor, a continuous reactor, or a through-flow reactor. The heat provides the reaction temperature necessary for driving the decomposition reaction of a polymer to an end product. The heat can be provided directly by the heated heat transfer fluid, by an intermediate heat transfer fluid heated by the heated heat transfer fluid, or by a reaction medium heated by the heated heat transfer fluid.
Resumen de: US2025059340A1
A geothermal system including a heat-driven process system using heat extracted from a magma wellbore for driving a thermal process. The system includes a magma wellbore connected to the heat-driven process system in a closed loop. A heated heat transfer fluid conveys the heat from the magma wellbore to a reactor housing a decomposition reaction. The reactor can be a batch reactor, a continuous reactor, or a through-flow reactor. The heat provides the reaction temperature necessary for driving the decomposition reaction of a polymer to an end product. The heat can be provided directly by the heated heat transfer fluid, by an intermediate heat transfer fluid heated by the heated heat transfer fluid, or by a reaction medium heated by the heated heat transfer fluid.
Resumen de: GB2632763A
A method is provided of evaluating a subterranean region surrounding a borehole. The method includes: deploying a sensor device including an electromagnetic acoustic transducer 400 to a location proximate to a surface of an open hole section of the borehole; generating a drive signal including a plurality of frequencies selected based on physical properties of a subterranean region adjacent to the borehole; applying an electrical current signal to the electromagnetic acoustic transducer based on the drive signal, to generate an acoustic signal at a first location in the region, the acoustic signal propagating in a direction along the surface of the open hole section to a second location; detecting the acoustic signal at the second location 402; and estimating a property of the region based on the detected acoustic signal. The EMAT may include multiple impedance matching layers. The sensor device may be on a pad assembly.
Resumen de: CN119013525A
A method and apparatus for cooling a coolant used in heat exchange equipment of a plant is disclosed. The method is performed in a plant having the apparatus disclosed herein. The method and apparatus utilize a geothermal cooling circuit to cool at least a portion of the total amount of coolant circulating in a coolant circuit for cooling a surface of heat exchange equipment in the plant.
Resumen de: GB2632772A
The invention relates to a piston 20 and cylinder assembly of a downhole tool, and in particular to a piston and cylinder assembly of a rotary steerable tool. The piston has an outer wall which is in direct sliding contact with a wall of the cylinder whereby to provide a solid sealing interface without elastomer seals. The cylinder has a retainer 22 for the piston, the retainer having a plurality of retaining parts, the piston having a plurality of retained parts , the retaining parts and the retained parts cooperating to retain the piston in the cylinder. The retaining parts 58 are separated around the cylinder and are separate from the outer wall. The retained parts are separated around the piston and are also separate from the outer wall. The retaining parts are separated by openings 74 which can accommodate the retained parts. The invention is said to avoid the requirement for cross pins or the like to retain the piston in the cylinder and thereby avoids any holes or other discontinuities in the sealing surfaces. The invention thereby separates the function of retaining the piston from sealing the piston to cylinder interface. The invention also relates to a downhole tool with a piston and cylinder assembly.
Resumen de: CN119468542A
Resumen de: CN119468367A
Resumen de: CN119468359A
Resumen de: CN119468495A
Resumen de: WO2025033007A1
The purpose of the present invention is to improve accuracy of estimating the clogging state of a nozzle even when steam is guided to a plurality of spaces. A steam turbine system (20) comprises: a steam pipe (7) through which steam jetted from a well flows; a steam turbine (8) having a nozzle to which the steam flowing through the steam pipe (7) is guided; a first steam pipe (21) that branches from the steam pipe (7) and guides steam to a first steam chamber (S1); a second steam pipe (22) that branches from the steam pipe (7) and guides steam to a second steam chamber (S2) having a smaller capacity than the first steam chamber (S1); a steam chamber communication valve (23) that adjusts the flow rate of the steam flowing through the second steam pipe (22); a flowmeter (18) that detects the flow rate of the steam flowing through the steam pipe (7); a pressure gauge that detects the pressure of the steam guided to the first steam chamber (S1); and a clogging state estimation unit that estimates the clogging state of the nozzle on the basis of the flow rate detected by the flowmeter (18), the pressure detected by the pressure gauge, and the opening degree of the steam chamber communication valve (23).
Resumen de: KR20250022422A
본 발명은 지열에너지를 이용한 냉난방시 유출 지하수가 가지는 에너지를 추가 활용하는 유출 지하수를 이용한 지열 냉난방 시스템에 관한 것이다. 본 발명에 따른 유출 지하수를 이용한 지열 냉난방 시스템은, 지중에 매립되고 내부에 작동유체가 흐르며 지중의 열을 흡수하거나 지중으로 열을 방출하는 지중 열교환기; 작동유체를 통해 전달되는 지열을 열원으로 냉난방 부하장치의 냉난방유체를 냉각 또는 가열하는 히트펌프; 지중 열교환기와 히트펌프 사이에 구비되며 작동유체가 충전되어 흐르는 작동유체 순환로; 그리고 작동유체 순환로 및 유출 지하수 이송 경로와 연결되어, 작동유체와 유출 지하수 사이의 열교환이 이루어지는 제1 유출수 열교환기;를 포함한다.
Resumen de: CN119436583A
Resumen de: CN119436580A
Resumen de: CN119436582A
Nº publicación: CN119436332A 14/02/2025
Resumen de: CN119436332A