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Public prices


Here you can consult the public prices of the paid services offered by the SPTO (custom consultation, search of trademark registration records, search of files by owners, assistance service for companies, archive), as well as for the products in the historical archive shop (articles, publications and sheets). 


  • 2024 public prices

    Descargar 2024 public prices


Public prices for technological information 


Patent Technological Report 


€440 + VAT


Retrospective search:


National search: €18.66 + VAT per item sent up to 100 items (€0.19 per additional item).

International search: €85.86 + VAT per item sent up to 20 items (€0.85 per additional item).


Custom Technological Surveillance Reports


Custom Technological Surveillance Report €38.90 + VAT (start of service).

National search: €18.66 + VAT per item sent up to 100 items (€0.19 per additional item).

International search: €85.86 + VAT per item sent up to 20 items (€0.85 per additional item).


The price of the Custom Technological Surveillance Report is paid at the start of the service.

For each agreed delivery, the price of the corresponding search is paid.


Supplementary information


  • All fees and public prices 2024

    Descargar All fees and public prices 2024
  • Custom consultation

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  • Paid services

    Ir a Paid services
  • Historical archive shop

    Ir a Historical archive shop
  • Methods of payment

    Ir a Methods of payment
  • Resolution of 25 January 2021 amending Order IET/1186/2015, which establishes the public prices of the SPTO.

    Descargar Resolution of 25 January 2021 amending Order IET/1186/2015, which establishes the public prices of the SPTO.
  • Resolution of 27 January 2021 correcting errors in the Resolution of 25 January 2021, amending Order IET/1186/2015, which establishes the public prices of the SPTO.

    Descargar Resolution of 27 January 2021 correcting errors in the Resolution of 25 January 2021, amending Order IET/1186/2015, which establishes the public prices of the SPTO.