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SPTO web services


The OEPM's web services are free and allow the online obtaining of information on trademarks, inventions and industrial designs, in an automated manner. This system requires the carrying out of computer developments by the recipient of the information.


It is accessed by username and password and it is necessary to register in advance by filling out this form.


  • CEO web service - File consultation

    Ir a CEO web service - File consultation
  • Brand locator web service

    Ir a Brand locator web service
  • CLINMAR web service - International classification of branded products and services

    Ir a CLINMAR web service - International classification of branded products and services
  • INVENES and DESIGNS web service - Inventions and industrial designs

    Ir a INVENES and DESIGNS web service - Inventions and industrial designs

Consulting trademarks, inventions and industrial designs through our databases is free and does not require a user.

  • Web services access form

    Ir a Web services access form
  • BOPI (Official Industrial Property Gazette) and OPENDATA protected data access form

    Ir a BOPI (Official Industrial Property Gazette) and OPENDATA protected data access form