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Administrative archives


The Administrative Archive comprises the documents generated by the SPTO from 1940 to the present day.



There are different ways of consulting files depending on whether or not they have been electronically processed:

  • Consultation of digitised files: The holder, representative or agent in the reference file can consult it free of charge through the MY SPTO (MIO)application.
  • Consultation of non-digitised files: by e-mail and online. A fee of €3.60 is payable for consulting the file.



You must already know the number of the file you wish to consult, as the Archive does not carry out searches.


How to request copies of files from the General Archive


  1. Electronically, on the SPTO e-Office by clicking on “Common procedures” > “Request for digitised files”.
  2. By e-mail, after payment of the file consultation and viewing fee(code CM03) of €3.60 at any CaixaBank branch or online through the CaixaBank payment gateway. Once the payment has been made, you will have to send a scanned copy of the payment receipt and a copy of your ID card to the following email address, clearly indicating the application number and type of file requested and a contact telephone number. The digital images will be sent to your e-mail address. The fee forms can be downloaded from the SPTO website. A separate form must be completed for each file. You can pay the fees in two different ways:
  3. Online payment.
  4. Payment at the collaborating bank, to do so, fill in the form in the link below and then pay the fee at any CaixaBank branch:

Methods of payment



If the file requested contains a change of name, a transfer or a licence, these are separate registration from the file to which they refer, so if you want a copy of them you must pay the fee and provide the Archive with the corresponding file number.