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Subsidies granted by the autonomous communities







  • Aid programme for industry and SMEs in Aragon (PAIP)

    Ir a Aid programme for industry and SMEs in Aragon (PAIP)
  • Grants to promote innovation through the development of industrial design and its management

    Descargar Grants to promote innovation through the development of industrial design and its management


Principado de Asturias

  • Subvenciones dirigidas a empresas de base tecnológica en el Principado de Asturias

    Ir a Subvenciones dirigidas a empresas de base tecnológica en el Principado de Asturias


Illes Balears






Castilla y León


Castilla-La Mancha



  • Cupones ACCIÓ a la competitividad de la empresa. ACCIÓ - Agencia para la Competitividad de la Empresa (

    Ir a Cupones ACCIÓ a la competitividad de la empresa. ACCIÓ - Agencia para la Competitividad de la Empresa (


Comunitat Valenciana

  • RDI support from the Valencian Innovation Agency

    Ir a RDI support from the Valencian Innovation Agency





  • Support for strategic development services, professionalisation, innovation and adoption of digitalisation solutions to be carried out in Galician companies (Re-acciona programme).

    Ir a Support for strategic development services, professionalisation, innovation and adoption of digitalisation solutions to be carried out in Galician companies (Re-acciona programme).


Comunidad de Madrid


Región de Murcia


Comunidad Foral de Navarra


País Vasco

  • Zabaldu Programme: support for the promotion of the international activity of Basque companies

    Ir a Zabaldu Programme: support for the promotion of the international activity of Basque companies
  • Sakondu Programme: support to improve the international competitiveness of Basque companies

    Ir a Sakondu Programme: support to improve the international competitiveness of Basque companies


La Rioja

  • Entrepreneurs. Promotion of entrepreneurs

    Ir a Entrepreneurs. Promotion of entrepreneurs
  • Carrying out research and development projects

    Ir a Carrying out research and development projects
  • Creation of innovative companies. Grants for the start-up and operation of young innovative companies

    Ir a Creation of innovative companies. Grants for the start-up and operation of young innovative companies
  • Innovation vouchers

    Ir a Innovation vouchers
  • Promoting design

    Ir a Promoting design


Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta


Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla