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Recurrent publications

  • IP Info

    The SPTO monthly electronic magazine contains simple, summarised information on the relevant news and developments in industrial property matters each month.

    Ir a IP Info
  • The SPTO in figures

    Annual publication of industrial property facts and figures provided by the SPTO.

    Ir a The SPTO in figures
  • SPTO Case Law Bulletin

    Annual bulletin with relevant judgments handed down during the year in the fields of industrial property, intellectual property and unfair competition.

    Ir a SPTO Case Law Bulletin
  • Marchamos

    Quarterly internal communications magazine.

    Ir a Marchamos
  • SPTO activities report

    Publication with the actions andactivities  carried out throughout the year.

    Ir a SPTO activities report
  • CIBEPYME Virtual Newsletter

    Virtual newsletter on industrial property in Ibero-America.

    Ir a CIBEPYME Virtual Newsletter