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Maintenance of invention titles


To ensure that national patents, utility models and European patents validated in Spainremain in force in the country, it is necessary to pay the annuities within the legally established period.


In order to ensure that supplementary protection certificates (SPC) and any extensions remain in force in Spain, it is necessary to pay the maintenance fees within the legally established period.


If the applicant fails to pay the annual fees for national patents, utility models and European patents validated in Spain or the maintenance fees for the SPCs and extensions, the SPTO declares the expiry of the protection right due to non-payment of the corresponding annual fee or maintenance fee and publishes the expiry resolution in the Official Industrial Property Gazette (BOPI). Consequently, the invention enters the public domain and can be freely used by anyone.


For international PCT applications and topographies of semiconductor products, no annuity or maintenance fees are payable.


  • Maintenance of the national patent, utility model and european patent validated in Spain

    Ir a Maintenance of the national patent, utility model and european patent validated in Spain
  • Maintenance of the supplementary protection certificate (CPC)

    Ir a Maintenance of the supplementary protection certificate (CPC)