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National patent and utility model

  • What is a patent?

    Descargar  What is a patent?
  • PPH Patent Prosecution Highway

    Descargar PPH Patent Prosecution Highway
  • Nanotechnology and patents

    Descargar Nanotechnology and patents
  • Computer-implemented inventions

    Descargar Computer-implemented inventions
  • Software patenting?

    Descargar Software patenting?
  • Patents as a tool for the internationalisation of companies, the power of ideas

    Descargar Patents as a tool for the internationalisation of companies, the power of ideas
  • Protection of innovations in Spain

    Descargar Protection of innovations in Spain
  • Basic issues relating to patents and utility models

    Descargar Basic issues relating to patents and utility models
  • The 'on-call patent examiner' service

    Descargar The
  • Learning from the past to create the future:

    Descargar Learning from the past to create the future:
  • Contractual transfers and licences - Patent and utility model

    Descargar Contractual transfers and licences - Patent and utility model
  • Negotiation of technology licence agreements

    Descargar Negotiation of technology licence agreements
  • What is counterfeiting?

    Descargar What is counterfeiting?