If you want to distinguish your goods, services or both from those of another company, you may need a trademark or trade name. Find out what they are, what their registration procedure is and what it involves.
Information on the deadlines for filing applications for transformation of European Union trademarks into Spanish national trademarks. See more
If you have a new device, product or procedure that solves a technical problem or has a practical advantage, there are different ways to protect it in Spain and other countries. Find out how.
Does your innovation lie in the aesthetics, ornamentation or appearance of your product? Protect it through industrial design. Find out what rights registration confers and how to proceed.
Patents published worldwide are a valuable source of scientific, technical and commercial information.
Los Bonos 1, 2 y 3 se encuentran actualmente cerrados. En las próximas semanas se proporcionará más información acerca de su apertura de cara a 2025.
If you are an entrepreneur or a company and you want to boost and improve the profitability of your business by adequately protecting the intangible assets of your organisation, in this space you will find what you need.
A Patent Technological Report consists of an in-depth analysis of patent documents, scientific literature or any other type of document published worldwide in relation to the technology described by the applicant. The information it provides can be useful for deciding on the filing of a potential patent or utility model application, guiding research and/or development projects, obtaining a broad view of a given technical issue, etc.
By emailing the form to serviciosIT@oepm.es
The average delivery time for a PTR is estimated at 21 working days. For delivery time commitments, please refer to our Service Charter.
€440 + VAT