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Custom technology surveillance reports


They provide, with the desired frequency , thebibliographic references of patents and utility models published in Spain (National Search), as well as references in English of patents published in the rest of the world (International Search), in relation to the topic in question.


Each reference includes a link to INVENES and Espacenet where the user can access further information as well as retrieve the full document.



A través de la Sede Electrónica


The delivery time and frequency are agreed with each customer.

Service charters

  • Establishment of custom technological surveillance €38.90 + VAT (start of service).


  • National search: €18.66+VAT per item sent up to 100 items (€0.19/ additional item).


  • International search: €85.86+VAT per item sent up to 20 items (€0.85/ additional item).


  • The price of the Custom Technological Surveillance Report is paid at the start of the service. For each agreed delivery, the price of the corresponding search is paid.