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Invention search engine


SPTO databases


  • INVENES - Inventions in Spanish in force in Spain
    Ir a INVENES - Inventions in Spanish in force in Spain
  • Example of national search for inventions

    Descargar Example of national search for inventions
  • CEO - Consulta de Expedientes OEPM

    Expedientes públicos

    Ir a CEO - Consulta de Expedientes OEPM
  • MIO - Mi OEPM

    Mis expedientes. Acceso a través de Cl@ve con registro previo

    Ir a MIO - Mi OEPM



Databases of other industrial property offices



  • Espacenet - Inventions worldwide
    Ir a Espacenet - Inventions worldwide
  • Example of international search for inventions

    Descargar Example of international search for inventions
  • LATIPAT Espacenet - Spanish and Latin American inventions
    Ir a LATIPAT Espacenet - Spanish and Latin American inventions
  • PATENTSCOPE - Inventions worldwide
    Ir a PATENTSCOPE - Inventions worldwide
  • WIPO INSPIRE - Inventions worldwide
    Ir a WIPO INSPIRE - Inventions worldwide



Other databases



  • Google Patents - Inventions worldwide
    Ir a Google Patents - Inventions worldwide


Supplementary information


  • CIP - International Patent Classification
    Ir a CIP - International Patent Classification
  • CPC - Cooperative Patent Classification
    Ir a CPC - Cooperative Patent Classification
  • European Patent Register - Consultation of European patent files
    Ir a European Patent Register - Consultation of European patent files
  • Concordancia de las actividades de la CNAE con la CIP

    Descargar Concordancia de las actividades de la CNAE con la CIP