Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio LogoMinisterior

Proceedings since the request


Response to suspension due to formal or substantive defects


  • Objection to the suspension on the grounds of formal or substantive defects - 4007

    Descargar Objection to the suspension on the grounds of formal or substantive defects - 4007
  • Objection to suspension on the grounds of substantive defects together with request for proof of use - 4107

    Descargar Objection to suspension on the grounds of substantive defects together with request for proof of use - 4107
  • Joint objection the proof of use submitted and to the suspension due to substantive defects - 4108

    Descargar Joint objection the proof of use submitted and to the suspension due to substantive defects - 4108


Processing oppositions


  • Opposition to application for registration of a trademark - 4104 (complete application)

    Descargar Opposition to application for registration of a trademark - 4104 (complete application)
  • Opposition to application for registration of a trademark - 4104 (sheet No. 1)

    Descargar Opposition to application for registration of a trademark - 4104 (sheet No. 1)
  • Opposition to application for registration of a trademark - 4104 (sheet No. 2)

    Descargar Opposition to application for registration of a trademark - 4104 (sheet No. 2)
  • Opposition to application for registration of a trademark - 4104 (instruction sheet)

    Descargar Opposition to application for registration of a trademark - 4104 (instruction sheet)


Proof of use


  • Request for proof of use - 4102

    Descargar Request for proof of use - 4102
  • Provision of proof of use - 4103

    Descargar Provision of proof of use - 4103
  • Objection to proof of use provided - 4106

    Descargar Objection to proof of use provided - 4106


Desistimiento de marca


  • Solicitud de desistimiento total de marca - 4109

    Descargar Solicitud de desistimiento total de marca - 4109


Trademark renewal


  • Trademark renewal application - 4105 (complete form)

    Descargar Trademark renewal application - 4105 (complete form)
  • Trademark renewal application - 4105 (sheet No 1)

    Descargar Trademark renewal application - 4105 (sheet No 1)
  • Trademark renewal application - 4105 (sheet No. 2)

    Descargar Trademark renewal application - 4105 (sheet No. 2)
  • Trademark renewal application - 4105 (instruction sheet)

    Descargar Trademark renewal application - 4105 (instruction sheet)
  • Objection to the suspension for defects in trademark renewal - 4007-R

    Descargar Objection to the suspension for defects in trademark renewal - 4007-R