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General guidelines for filling out forms


In order to make procedures easier for users, the SPTO offers the alternative of using the forms available on the internet; these will be accepted as valid as indicated in the Instruction of 24 March 1998. These forms are prepared in Adobe PDF format (Portable Document Format) and can be filled in directly, i.e. without the need to first print them and then fill them in.


To be able to use these forms, you must have a reader installed, such as Adobe® Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded for free.


If you want to fill in the form using an internet browser, an Adobe Acrobat “plug-in” will be activated from your browser when you open the forms by clicking on the link. At this point, the initial page of the form will appear on the screen.


You do not need to connect to the internet every time you want to fill in a form. You can save the PDF file and complete it with Acrobat Reader when you choose. In all cases, we recommend you remain up-to-date with the improvements you will find in the new versions of the forms.


There are several boxes that Acrobat Reader will not allow you to fill in. This is because their completion is reserved.


You can see the steps to follow when completing a form in the attached PDF.

Instructions for filling in a form 



Download Adobe® Acrobat Reader 

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