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Technology transfer


Industrial property rights and their corresponding applications are economically valuable assets that form part of a company’s assets. As such, they can be transferred, licensed, mortgaged, etc., to obtain additional financing or they can be the object of any other economic transaction. All actions aimed at obtaining a commercial return on RDI knowledge and results fall into the category of technology transfer.


Through a transfer contract, the holder of an industrial property right grants ownership of that right to another in exchange for payment.


In a licensing contract, the right holder retains ownership of the right, but authorises a third party to use or exploit it in the manner set out in the contract.


Therefore, we can have:


  • Transfer and licensing of patents and utility models.
    Ir a Transfer and licensing of patents and utility models.
  • Transfer and licensing of trademarks and trade names.
    Ir a Transfer and licensing of trademarks and trade names.
  • Transfer and licensing of industrial designs.
    Ir a Transfer and licensing of industrial designs.


You can access some technology markets, both nationally and internationally, and offer your technology through them.


More information:


  • Transfers and licences
    Ir a Transfers and licences
  • Technology market
    Ir a Technology market
  • Inventions in the public domain
    Ir a Inventions in the public domain
  • Contract templates
    Ir a Contract templates