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Frequently Asked Questions Industrial Property

Las cantidades que deben abonarse para la solicitud y mantenimiento de los derechos de Propiedad Industrial se publican anualmente, siendo consultables en la página de Internet de la OEPM dentro del apartado “Tasas y precios públicos”.

El pago puede efectuarse mediante ingreso en cualquier Sucursal del territorio nacional de la citada entidad bancaria, con los impresos de autoliquidación habilitados a tal efecto, o vía electrónica a través de la Sede Electrónica de la OEPM (pago por pasarela de la Caixa, pasarela de la AEAT, o en algunos casos también mediante tarjeta de crédito).

The fees paid represent a tax (for example, like the vehicle registration tax), and invoices are not issued for taxes.

The payment receipt is the same as that provided when one pays official taxes or fees to any government body (municipal taxes, university tuition, etc.).

The fees cover the work of processing the files regardless of whether the determination is to grant or to deny.

In the case of denial, the fees paid are not refunded.

The documents needed to request protection of industrial property rights vary by category. Generally speaking, the minimum information required for obtaining a submission date is the following:

- An express or implicit statement that the rights are being requested.

- Information identifying the applicant.

- In the case of patents and utility models, a description.

- In the case of distinctive signs and industrial design, a copy of the distinctive sign or the industrial design, along with an indication of the products to which it will be applied.

The application will be assigned a submission date, hour and minute, and a number that identifies the case file, which will never change.

In the event of any irregularity that prevents a submission date from being assigned, the applicant will be notified to enable correction of the defect within the timeframe established by law for each industrial property category. In this case, the submission date will be the date the correction document is received. If no correction is received, the application process will be considered withdrawn.