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Frequently Asked Questions Industrial Property


Opening hours:

Monday through Friday from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm

Documents that make up the Historical Archive

The documents generated by the SPTO's predecessor institutions from 1826 to 1939. Access to and consultation of the documents is free of charge.

Information available to users

On the Historical Archive website (, you can consult the following databases:

- Invention privileges 1826- 1878

- Patents 1878-1943

- Patents 1930-1966

- Trademarks 1865-1905

- BOPI 1866-1965

- Geopositioning.

Services for external users

- Consultation in the researchers' room by prior appointment

- Consultation by mail.

- Reproduction on digital media, with prior payment of the corresponding public fees.

- Information searches. These must always be requested by electronic mail at the following address:

How to request copies of case files from the Historical Archive

- Requests

Requests for copies of documents from the SPTO's Historical Archive can be made in person in the consultation room or by mail (electronic mail, letter).

An approximate cost estimate can be provided upon request.

- Types and prices of copies

The document copying services offered by the Historical Archive and their prices are included in ITC/742/2009, of 20th March, which sets the public prices of the SPTO. Which are the following:

2.11. Digital copies/per scanned image: €0.60

2.12. Copy on CD or DVD/per CD or DVD: 3.00€

2.13. A4 paper copies of electronically-stored images/per image: €0.23

VAT of 16% will be applied to these prices.

Scanned images can be copied to external storage devices or sent via electronic mail (if they are not extremely large) at no extra charge.

- Form of payment

If you live in Madrid, payment must be made by depositing the amount indicated on the form by the Archive staff at any office of La Caixa before collecting the copies.

If you live outside Madrid, the form can be obtained from the Industry Divisions of the regional and local government offices or, if you prefer, the Archive can send the form by postal mail.

One copy of the form validated by the bank must be submitted at the SPTO headquarters when you collect the copies, or sent by postal mail, if you do not live in Madrid, to the following address: Archive. SPTO. Paseo de la Castellana 75. Madrid – 28071. Once the receipt for the deposit is received, the copies will be sent.

For further information, you can contact the Historical Archive writing to

- Purpose of the copies

Copies of documents from the Historical Archive are authorised solely for scientific or historical research purposes. Express authorisation is required for publishing images of documents.

Contra cualquier resolución dictada por la Oficina, podrá interponer recurso de alzada en el plazo de un mes contado desde la publicación de la resolución en el B.O.P.I. (Boletín Oficial de la Propiedad Industrial).

El competente para resolverlo será el órgano superior jerárquico al que lo dictó. Su interposición será imprescindible para poder acudir a la jurisdicción contencioso-administrativa y no supone la suspensión de la ejecución del acto impugnado.

El plazo para interponer el recurso de alzada es de un mes. En el supuesto de que el último día del plazo fuera sábado, el recurso podrá interponerse válidamente el primer día hábil siguiente a ese sábado.

El recurso será inadmitido en el supuesto de que no se interponga dentro de los plazos establecidos.

Para formular este recurso es imprescindible abonar una tasa, que asciende a 74,88 euros si lo abona por vía electrónica y a 88,09 euros si lo hace de forma no electrónica; cada año se actualizan dichas tasas, por lo que se recomienda consultar las tasas en la página web de la OEPM. La falta de pago de la tasa de recurso dará lugar a la inadmisión del mismo.

Existe la posibilidad de obtener la devolución de la tasa de recurso. Ésta viene reconocida en el artículo 27.2 de la Ley de Marcas, en el artículo 183.4 de la Ley de Patentes y en el 41.4 de la Ley de Diseño y deben cumplirse los requisitos que en dichos artículos se establecen.