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March 2024 | Bulletin num.164 | Subscribe
NIPO: 220-24-028-5

The 3erd Edition of the “Awards for the Best Inventions Protected by Industrial Property Rights” has been announced

For the third consecutive year, the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO) has announced these awards to distinguish the best patents and utility models granted in 2022, thus consolidating the Awards as a benchmark of government support for innovation and its protections through industrial property rights.

In addition to the prizes in the absolute category, the call includes specific recognition for young inventors and for women inventors. The prize money is 4,000 euros for patents and 2,500 euros for utility models. There is also the possibility of awarding special mentions in all categories.

Who can receive the awards? Inventors with Spanish nationality or with legal residence in Spain who appear as such in a national patent or utility model application granted by the SPTO in 2022 and who comply with the rest of the requirements established in the call for applications.

Who can submit applications? Natural or legal persons, public or private, in favour of an inventor who meets the requirements set out in the call for applications.

Where are applications submitted? At the electronic site through “Other procedures (PDAS/PATER/Subsidies/Authorisation to file abroad)”, available in the “Inventions” menu.

Until when can applications be submitted? The deadline for applications has been extended to 19th of April.

Further information: Awards for the Best Inventions Protected by Industrial Property Rights

Contact the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO)
910 780 780   902 157 530 información@oepm.es
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