If you want to distinguish your goods, services or both from those of another company, you may need a trademark or trade name. Find out what they are, what their registration procedure is and what it involves.
Information on the deadlines for filing applications for transformation of European Union trademarks into Spanish national trademarks. See more
If you have a new device, product or procedure that solves a technical problem or has a practical advantage, there are different ways to protect it in Spain and other countries. Find out how.
Does your innovation lie in the aesthetics, ornamentation or appearance of your product? Protect it through industrial design. Find out what rights registration confers and how to proceed.
Patents published worldwide are a valuable source of scientific, technical and commercial information.
El Bono 3 del Fondo para PYMEs 2025, que cubre la elaboración de Informes Tecnológicos de Patentes (ITP) y Búsquedas Retrospectivas se cerrará el lunes 10 de febrero de 2025 al cierre de la jornada laboral. Próximamente se informará sobre su reapertura. Puede consultar más información aquí.
If you are an entrepreneur or a company and you want to boost and improve the profitability of your business by adequately protecting the intangible assets of your organisation, in this space you will find what you need.
Do you have a new device, product or procedure that solves a technical problem?
In order to prevent anyone from copying, using, distributing or selling your invention without authorisation, you can protect it both in Spain and in other countries. In return, the application will be made public for general knowledge. Find out how.
In this section, you will find information on the different ways of protecting your invention, as well as the grants and subsidies offered by public administrations.
By applying for protection of your invention, you will be able to use it exclusively and prevent third parties from using it without your authorisation.
Consult the regulations, instructions and resolutions applicable to the different ways of protecting an invention, as well as the guidelines for reviewing applications.
If you have any doubts, contact the SPTO information service, which can refer you to the on-call examiner service, if necessary. If you want advice, you can consult an industrial property agent.
Our PDF information brochures help you to protect your invention in Spain and other countries, search for technological information in databases and learn about technology transfer.
You will have to pay different fees when submitting the application and during the granting procedure. You can use the instalment calculators to help you pay your fees on time.
With it, you can protect your invention for 20 years from the application submission date.
With it, you can quickly protect your invention in Spain for 10 years from the filing date of the application.
With it, you can extend the protection of a patent on a pharmaceutical or phytosanitary product for up to 5 years after the end of the 20-year patent term and under certain conditions.
With a single application, you can protect your invention in all European countries party to the Munich Convention on the Grant of European Patents.
With a single application, you can protect your invention in all countries that are party to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT).
With it, you can protect an electronic integrated circuit in Spain for 10 years from the time the circuit is first marketed or the topography is registered.
Find out about the fees you must pay to keep invention titles in force in Spain, the deadline for payment, the amount and how to make the payment.
If you sell an invention title or authorise third parties to exploit it, we recommend that you register the transfer or licence with the SPTO.
Learn about the different steps you may have to take during the processing or the life of the invention title.
Information on the QUALITY initiatives that the SPTO applies in its daily activities, in order to achieve the satisfaction of the users of its services.
If you still have doubts, in this section we answer a series of common questions on inventions